Who is a good Candidate
OrthoK treats myopia (nearsightedness), the condition where distance vision is blurred. Lens powers up to about -6.00 are generally treatable. Astigmatism, a common optical condition where vision is distorted due to uneven curvatures of the eye surfaces, is treatable in low to moderate amounts. Some doctors using specialized OrthoK lenses routinely exceed these levels for many patients with great success. However, sometimes with high astigmatism, we may only be able to achieve “good” vision rather than “terrific” vision.
Patients as young as seven to nine years old are excellent candidates and we make the decision based on their maturity, hygiene and motivation. These students are able to play, swim, participate in sports and other healthy activities without the problems of glasses or daytime contact lens wear.
Perhaps the most exciting candidate for OrthoK is the young patient who has become nearsighted for the first time when there is a strong family history of nearsightedness progressing rapidly during childhood. The child whose nearsightedness has been proven to already be progressing is another excellent candidate. There is growing evidence that OrthoK can stop this progression.